認定 : 島田 英明 さん (大分大学)
Mentor : 津田 達志 さん(住友ファーマ(株))

これから開発機関と医療現場及び患者をつなぐSMDとして、ji4peで磨いた力を発揮していけるよう努めて参ります。 代表の今村先生、メンターの津田先生、アドバイザーの髙瀬先生をはじめ、ご指導、ご協力いただいた関係者の皆様にお礼申し上げます。

Trainee : MR HIDEAKI SHIMADA (Oita Univ)
Mentor : MR TATSUSHI TSUDA(Sumitomo Pharma Co.,Ltd.)
Thank you for being certified as SMD.
I have only been involved in drug development from the medical institution side, and I was worried about whether I would be able to hone my competency as Specialist in Medicines Development.
However, I was able to complete the SMD program by learning systematically in Public engagement expert C course and by learning and practicing how to view things from the perspective of development organizations in my current environment with advice from my mentor.
From now on, as SMD that connects development institutions, medical sites, and patients, I will strive to demonstrate the capabilities I have honed through Ji4pe.
I would like to thank Dr. Imamura, my mentor Mr. Tsuda, my advisor Ms. Takase, and everyone involved for their guidance and cooperation.