認定 : 上條のぞみ さん (武田薬品工業(株))
Mentor : 吉田 浩輔 さん((株)リニカル)


Trainee : Dr Nozomi Kamijo (Takeda Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd)
Mentor : Kosuke Yoshida (Linical Co.,Ltd)
I am very grateful for the SMD certification. Thanks to Dr. Imamura, my mentor Mr. Yoshida, the SMD executive group, and everyone who has supported me, I was able to obtain this certification. I would also like to thank everyone who studied with me in the SMD program.
Mr. Yoshida introduced this program to me saying, "To improve your knowledge and practice in the field of drug development, you should learn systematically and organize your knowledge," and I studied in C and D courses.
I would like to continue to contribute to patients with the importance of thinking with evidence.